The employment terms of part-time teachers are determined in accordance with the Municipal Collective Agreement for Teaching Personnel in Finnish ( (OVTES, Chapter F, Appendix 12 Adult Education Centres, Section III Part-Time Teachers).

A fixed-term employment contract is made with part-time teachers. The employment relationship begins every term with the joint teacher meeting, induction training for part-time teachers or first lesson and ends when the last lesson is over. Please sign the employment contract as soon as possible after receiving an invitation to sign it electronically by email.

The period of notice is 14 days on both sides.

Part-time teachers are employed to provide teaching as listed in the employment contract. The duties of a part-time teacher include preparing the lesson, holding the lesson, other work directly related to the lesson, and participation in the teacher meetings pursuant to the collective agreement. If necessary, a part-time teacher is also temporarily obliged to perform duties that are closely related to the Adult Education Centre’s operations in the part-time teacher’s own subject area, and can be considered suitable for the part-time teacher based on their education and work experience. A separate hourly salary is paid for these duties (other work).

If you have any questions related to teaching or your employment relationship, please contact the coordinator or assistant of your subject area.

Please fill in the part-time teacher’s basic information form before your employment relationship begins.

Employee representative

Omnia’s employee representative is Satu Luhtanen,, 050 431 1094.