Determination of pay
Part-time teachers are paid hourly wages for teaching and other work in accordance with the Municipal Collective Agreement for Teaching Personnel (OVTES, One lesson is 45 minutes and one period of other work is 60 minutes. The pay for a lesson includes preparing the lesson, holding the lesson, other work directly related to the lesson, and participation in the teacher meetings pursuant to the collective agreement.
The pay of a part-time teacher is determined, depending on their degree, as follows:
- (a) a part-time teacher with a completed Master’s degree 32.07 €
- (a) a part-time teacher with a completed Bachelor’s degree 30.00 €
- (c) other part-time teachers 28.50 €
The hourly wages are paid with an increase of:
- 5%, if the teacher has completed the basic studies of adult education/basic studies of pedagogy that include the basic studies of adult education.
- 10%, if the teacher has completed pedagogical studies of 60 credits (opintopiste) or 35 credits (opintoviikko).
- 6% length-of-service bonus which a part-time teacher who teaches for at least 16 hours a week can request from HR, if they have taught for three calendar years (156 weeks) the aforementioned amount of hours per week at their own adult education centre or other adult education centre. Only the lessons of one adult education centre will be taken into account when calculating the number of lessons taught.
- 4% length-of-service bonus which a part-time teacher who teaches for at least 16 hours a week can request from HR, if they have taught for five calendar years (260 weeks) the aforementioned amount of hours per week at their own adult education centre or other adult education centre. Only the lessons of one adult education centre will be taken into account when calculating the number of lessons taught.
- 4% length-of-service bonus which a part-time teacher who teaches for at least 16 hours a week can request from HR, if they have taught for seven calendar years (364 weeks) the aforementioned amount of hours per week at their own adult education centre or other adult education centre. Only the lessons of one adult education centre will be taken into account when calculating the number of lessons taught.
- 5% bonus per teaching hour if the course is marked as a study credit course. Bonus is based on the fact that in the study credit courses teacher’s duties includes the assessment of competence and the marking of study credits.
For the purpose of calculating the length-of-service bonus, the Omnia Human Resources need the references that show the amount of teaching weeks and lessons taught. The calculation is implemented with the principle of compound interest.
Open university: For teaching fees, Omnia follows the pay criteria defined by the universities of Helsinki and Turku.
In order to determine your pay criteria, your coordinating teacher needs your diploma.
Lecture fee
In cases of the same theme continuing as so-called serial lectures, the lecturer will be paid as follows:
- has at least completed the licentiate degree 74.61 €
- has completed a Master’s degree 55.99 €
- has completed a Bachelor’s degree 47.99 €
- others 38.99 €
In cases where the theme changes, the lecturer will be paid a so-called one-time lecture fee that is determined as follows:
- has at least completed the licentiate degree 106.44 €
- has completed a Master’s degree 89.44 €
- has completed a Bachelor’s degree 72.44 €
- others 64.44 €
Remember to notify the team assistants if your personal details (e.g. address, bank account, degree) change!
Payment of pay
The pay period is one calendar month and the pay is paid for each calendar month on the 7th day of the following month. The salary information for the current month is transferred to the payment process about 2–2.5 weeks before the pay day. After the salary information has been transferred, the adjustments and corrections made (e.g. sick leave and traveling expenses) are arranged to be paid on the next pay day.
You can access your payslip on your online bank. The electronic payslip operator for Omnia is CGI. The payslip operator service is a practical way of reviewing and archiving payslips. You can also save your payslip as a PDF file and print it out. The bottom section of the latest payslip also acts as a pay statement.
Tax card
For payroll, Sarastia Ltd. uses direct transfer to collect the most recent tax cards and revised tax cards straight from Finnish Tax Administration.
Direct transfer does not include tax-at-source cards. In case of tax-at-source card, please send your tax card electronically using Sarastia’s online service (
Alternatively, you can also send the tax card by mail to the address below:
Sarastia Oy, Henkilöstöpalvelut/Omnian palkat
P.O. Box 34
00531 Helsinki
Clearly label your tax card with “OMNIA”.
Trade union’s membership fee
If you want the membership fee of a trade union to be collected from your pay, deliver the authorisation for collection electronically to
Alternatively, you can also send authorisation by mail to the address below:
Omnian Henkilöstöpalvelut
P.O. Box 77705
02070 City of Espoo