Electronic signature is a modern and juridically binding way to digitalize the signing process. Electronic signing of Espoo Adult Education Centre’s contract of employment is done via Kursor system. You may sign the contract at any place, time and device.
Signatory Instructions for Contract of Employment
- You will receive a cover letter of your contract and its attachments via email. Read all the documents carefully.
- You will reveice the signature request from espoontyovaenopisto.noreply@ilmonet.fi. Click the link attached to the email or go to Kursor site (Kursor.fi)
- For the electric signing you must login by clicking Vahva tunnistautuminen.
- You will find your contracts of employment from left sidebar under the title Sähköinen allekirjoitus. You can review the contract at electric signing page. Read the contract carefully before signing it. If the contract needs corrections or you have any questions regarding the contract, contact your coordinating teacher.
- You can accept and sign the contract by clicking Allekirjoita sopimus. You can reject the contract by clicking Hylkää sopimus.
Saving the signed document
You will find your signed and rejected contracts from Kursor platform. You can download your contracts at any time. A new contract is colored red while signed and rejected contracts are colored green.
In case of problems
Please check first your email’s spam folder if you haven’t received the email. If you can’t find the message from the folder, confirm that your email address is written correctly at Ilmonet (ilmonet.fi) and there are no spelling mistakes on the address.
If you encounter any other issues, please contact your study subject’s email.